Political Relief

Feeling overwhelmed by all of the political madness this year? In need of some comic relief to get yourself through this never ending news cycle? Then check out The Capitol Steps! This is a group of performers and former political staffers that have made it their goal to put "The MOCK in Democracy" and will surely make you laugh at their outrageous, yet accurate, political skits.


Like a lot of political junkies I have been a fan of The West Wing for years. I binge watched it on DVD a few years ago with my family and have been re-watching it ever since. If you've never heard of the show it ran from 1999-2006 and followed the working life of White House staffers in the fictional Bartlett White House. Over seven years this show written by Aaron Sorkin won numerous awards and gave insight into the inner workings of the executive branch of the government through superb acting and some of the best writing TV has ever seen. I honestly cannot recommend this show enough so check it out on Netflix or Amazon when you get the chance!


Want even more West Wing? If you're a first time watcher or a fifth time watcher I highly recommend listening to The West Wing Weekly podcast hosted by former cast member Joshua Malina and Hrishikesh Hirway of Song Exploder. Each Wednesday these men watch an episode of The West Wing and comment about it in their podcast where they are frequently joined by fellow cast members, politicians, and other notables. Check them out on their website TheWestWingWeekly.com where you can listen to the podcast and comment along with thousands of other listeners! 

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