Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Day Two of the Democratic National Convention


Last night was former President Bill Clinton's time to shine. As the possible first First Man of the United States this speech set the tone for how he would be featured during the remainder of Hillary's campaign. He began the speech, rather unexpectedly, with the story of when he first met a girl. No, not that girl. His future wife Hillary Clinton. It was interesting to see such insight into their marriage when so many people only see this political power couple as two politicians and not as a family unit. Though some might deem this as one of Bill Clinton's less well received speeches due to his greatness as an orator, he still did a good job at promoting the more personal and caring side of Hillary Clinton.

As the second night of the convention drew to a close, singer Alicia Keys performed a montage of some of her most popular songs which ended in a video of Hillary Clinton. Beginning with a digital glass ceiling breaking after showing the previous 43 presidents, Clinton spoke of her excitement at being the first female nominee of a major political party in the United States saying that "while I may be the first, one of you girls will be the next." This video was a general thank you to the delegates and voters who helped her get this far as well a tease at what her speech on Thursday night might be when she addresses the convention in Philadelphia. 

"The Senator from Vermont"

A gentleman almost too good for his election, Senator Bernie Sanders ended his race for the presidency on Tuesday at the end of the roll call voting. After hearing the delegate votes from all of the states except Vermont, Sanders entered the arena and seemed to take a moment to himself as thousands of people chanted his name and showed their love for him. He then graciously nominated Hillary Clinton to be the Democratic Nominee for President which was agreed to by a vocal vote from the convention delegates. 

Mr. Sanders you entered the race essentially unknown and managed to gain over 12 million votes and raise over 200 million in campaign donations. You raised the level of political discourse in this country and motivated a new generation to dream of an America they can be proud of. Though I personally never got to see you when I traveled to New Hampshire earlier this year, I am glad to have been able to witness your candidacy and all that you have brought to this country to make it just that much better. Thank you for your ideas Mr. Sanders and thank you for the decades of service that you have given to this amazing country. 

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