Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Day Four: Happy Primary Day!

Today is the day! After weeks of campaigning, debating, and shamelessly promoting themselves the candidates will finally get to see if all of their hard work paid off. Most voting places are open from 6 am until 7 pm but a few towns run things differently on primary day. Because the towns of Dixville Notch, Millsfield, and Hart's Landing all have fewer than 100 residents they are allowed to begin voting at midnight and close their polls after everyone that is eligible to vote has voted. In past elections Dixville Notch has successfully predicted every Republican nominee since 1968, an astounding 12 elections. Today, these were the results:

Dixville Notch: 
Sanders 4, Clinton 0
Kasich 3, Trump 2

Clinton 2, Sanders 1
Cruz 9, Trump 3, Kasih 1, Rubio 1, Christie 1, Bush 1, Fiorina, Paul 1 

Hart's Landing:
Sanders 12, Clinton 7, Greenstein 2
Kasich 5, Trump 4, Christie 2, Rubio 1, Bush 1, Carson 1 

Now these towns may not have much to do with the overall outcome of tonight's election but it does showcase American democracy at its finest. And if this story sounded slightly familiar to you, the political drama "The West Wing" dedicated a sentimental plot line to the people of these towns during the reelection of their fictional President Josiah Bartlett. 

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